Tower Dryer ST

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Tower Dryer ST

The efficient and homogeneous drying process for grain, cereals, and seeds.

Grupo 84

The SuperBrix Tower Dryer models ST-AX and ST-AXL were designed to condition grain in optimal conditions, obtaining a complete product with homogeneous and secured final humidity to preserve its quality during storage.

It guarantees effective performance for moisture removal and conditioning processes of multiple products such as:


Main Benefits:

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Drying efficiency and homogeneous moisture distribution

It maximizes moisture removal according to the model and process used, whether drying in batches (potholes) and continuous flow with resting or tempering between drying cycles.

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Increases modular capacity

Allows the possibility of future expansions.

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Higher energy efficiency

It can also work with different energy sources such as gas, diesel, or biomass burners.

Optimization of the drying process

All models ST Tower Dryers are high performance and integrate inverted baffles with LSU prototype and design. The ST Tower Dryers are to implement and optimize operating costs, reduce energy consumption, and maximize finished products quality, either in continuous flow processes with tempering or recirculation with single batches.

Producing technology for more than half a century

Our first dryers were developed and built in the ’60s; presently, SuperBrix counts with multiple dryer models, such as stationary, fluidized beds, and modern LSU-type drying towers. They are recognized worldwide for their robust design, efficiency, and being technologically advanced.

These dryers help agroindustrial processing plants to obtain optimal results, significantly reducing operating costs.

Producing technology for more than half a century

Our first dryers were developed and built in the ’60s; presently, SuperBrix counts with multiple dryer models, such as stationary, fluidized beds, and modern LSU-type drying towers. They are recognized worldwide for their robust design, efficiency, and being technologically advanced.

These dryers help agroindustrial processing plants to obtain optimal results, significantly reducing operating costs.

Models and specifications